Lesson Planner - Search VTE Standards and Competencies
This template helps you to create a list of CVTE skills and competencies
for a lesson plan, project plan, or unit plan. Use the template and checklist to outline your project; then search through the frameworks and select relevant skills/competencies;
and then copy-and-paste the results into your own document.
Instructions: First, in Step 1, choose your program or pathway and click to continue.
In Step 2, fill in a project title, grade or class, and brief description. In Step 3A, you can filter the list of frameworks to view a particular strand, topic or standard;
or view skills and competencies containing a particular keyword or phrase.
In Step 3B, you CHECK the competencies you want in your list and then
click to ADD TO LIST. In Step 4 you will see your results. Use copy and paste to copy your list to your
lesson plan template or other document. Note that you need to copy-and-paste the results from this quick lesson planner.
Schools that use the Skills Library Competency Checklist database can create,
save and share lesson plans and track student skill attainment based on lessons and projects you have saved.
Step 1: Choose Program and Framework
Step 2: Identify the project and choose search criteria
Step 3A: Search the VTE Frameworks for relevant skills/competencies
[1.] What health and safety skills do students practice through this project? Click below to view Strand 1; check relevant skills/competencies; and click to ADD TO LIST.
[2.] What technical skills/competencies are the focus of this project? Click below to search Strand 2 via one or more search tools, and then check relevant skills/competencies and click to ADD TO LIST.
Step 4: VIEW PROJECT SUMMARY AND SKILLS/COMPETENCIES LIST. Copy and paste to your lesson plan or project template.