Using Filter By Form

Use Filter by Form with any form, table, or query to temporarily select a subset of records. This is useful if you want to count a subset of records (such as students in the classes of 2002-2004) or if you want to view or print out a subset of records.

  1. Click Filter by Form on the toolbar. You will see a blank copy of the form.
  2. Click Edit, Clear Grid on the menubar.
  3. In the blank Filter by Form screen, fill in the criteria you want to see records for. For example, if you'd like to see records for students in the classes of 2002-2004, in the Graduation Year field, fill in Between 2002 and 2004.
  4. Click Toggle Filter on the toolbar to apply the filter.
  5. The records that match your criteria will be displayed. Notice that the navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen will show how many records are included and will indicate that the records have been filtered.
  6. You may click Toggle Filter again to remove the filter or click Remove Filter / View All Records.

Filter by Form Examples

  1. Enter a name in the firstname and/or lastname field to find all students with that name
  2. Enter a school name in the school field to filter for students from a particular school
  3. Enter a date range - such as Between 9/1/2005 and 12/31/2005 - to find records within a certain date range.
  4. Enter part of a text string surrounded by asterisks to find records that include that string. For example, if you put *engineering* in the CTE program name field, you will find students whose CTE program is called "Pre-Engineering," "Engineering" or "Engineering Technology."
  5. Enter >2006 in the graduation year field to find students whose graduation year is greater than 2006.
  6. Enter >=2006 in the graduation year field to find students whose graduation year is greater than or equal to 2006.
  7. Enter <8/23/1987 in the date of birth field to find students whose date of birth is before 8/23/1987.
  8. Enter the words Is Null in a field to find records where that field is empty.
  9. Enter the words Is Not Null in a field to find records where that field is not empty.