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Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan
Skill Gain Study
Summer 2007

What skills do participants learn during work-based learning experiences?

All WBLPs include reviews for the "Foundation Skills" that are common to all jobs. Participants showed skill gain in these foundation skills. The new WBLP also allows users to identify skills that are specific to their workplace or career area in Section 2 of the plan. Users of the WBLP can select skills from a list or identify other skills. The most commonly identified skills in Section 2: Workplace and Career Specific Skills included:

  • Collecting and Organizing Information
  • Time Management
  • Equipment Operation
  • Computer Technology
  • Interacting with Customers or Clients
  • Reading
  • Project Management
  • Writing
  • Teaching and Instructing
  • Math and Numeric Analysis

Many very career-specific skills were also identified in the sample of plans, such as Accounting Skills, Blueprint Reading, Volunteer Management, or Working with Animals.

What other Career and Workplace Specific skills are identified?

Here are many more examples of skills found in Section 2 of the sample plans. See online examples of Specific Workplace and Career Skills for more details

Accounting skills | Administrative duties | Allocating Materials | Assessment of skills | Assist therapist | Attention to Detail | Basic Administrating | Basic Maintenance | Basic Office Skills | Blueprint Reading | Business-Related Skills | Care of the Kennel/Hospital | Classroom Management | Clerical tasks | Client Interaction | Clinical Observation | Collecting and Organizing Information | Communication | Community Policing | Computer Skills | Computer Technology | Courtroom-Specific Skills | Customer Service | Data Entry | Data Management and Backup | Decision Making | Demonstrating Authority | Design Skills | Detective Bureau - Time Management - Collecting & Organizing Information | Education-Specific Skills | Emergency Calls | Equipment Operation | Equipment Repair | Event Setup| Flexibility | Graphic Design Projects | Group Presentations | Interacting with customers and clients | Interacting with others | Interacting with Patients | Interacting with Students | Interacting with Teachers, Students & Mentors | Interaction within the preschool and classroom settings | Journalism-Specific Skills | Keeping Attendance Records | Legal-Specific Skills | Maintenance | Mathematics and Numeric Analysis | Motivation and Taking Initiative | MS Office Suite | Nursing Career exploration | Nursing-Specific Skills | Occupational-Specific Skills | Office management | Office Skills | Operating a Dirt Compacter | Operating Laser and Transit | Patrol, Community Policing | Physical Therapy Skills | Preparing materials | Prioritizing | Probation Office-Specific Skills | Problem Solving | Professional behavior | Project Management | PT-Specific Skills | Reading | Research and Analysis | Safety and Precautions | Teaching and Instructing | Teamwork | Therapeutic interaction with patients and families | Time Management | Troubleshooting | Understanding all aspects of a surgical ICU unit | Understanding All Aspects of the Industry | Understanding Materials | Understanding Systems | Understanding Technology | Using Technology | Volunteer Management | Working with Animals | Writing

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