Work Experience / Co-op

Workplace Skills Evaluation


Have you had an opportunity to use any of the following workplace skills in your work experience? Can you give examples? Use a scale of 1 to 4 to evaluate your use of these skills in your work experience. Notice that in this scale, and in most workplace evaluations, a rating in the middle of the scale is considered a good rating, and the highest ratings are seen only for a few more advanced skill areas.
1 = Needs improvement
2 = Developing
3 = Independent / Competent / Confident
4 = Independent Plus (Teaches others, troubleshoots, and/or advanced skills)
99 = Not applicable / No Rating

[1.] Time Management Skills

~ Identify and practice professional time-management and attendance behaviors including, punctuality, reliability, planning and flexibility. (4.C.01.01) ~ Establish a healthy, comfortable and productive approach to using time. Time management includes: (a) thoughtfully and systematically deciding what tasks to do in what timeframe; (b) maintaining a steady, safe and comfortable pace of work; and (c) developing habits and approaches that lead to a comfortable pace of life (i.e., not rushing, being late or missing deadlines). (4.C.04.01, 4.C.05.01)

[1.] Comments / Examples

[2.] Workplace Health and Safety Skills

~ Describe and practice worksite health and safety practices relevant to your workplace, including safe use of tools, good body mechanics, safe lifting, taking breaks, and following best practices for use of computers and other workstations (1.A.02.03; 1.A.02.05) ~ Where applicable, follow guidelines for personal protective equipment (PPE), footwear and clothing (1.A.02.04, 4.C.02.01, 4.C.02.03) ~ Explain and follow workplace policy on the use of cell phones and other forms of social media. (4.C.06.04)

[2.] Comments / Examples

[3.] Work Ethic and Productivity

~ Demonstrate motivation through enthusiasm, engagement, and accurate completion of tasks and activities. (4.C.04.02) ~ See projects through completion and check work for quality and accuracy. (4.C.04.07)

[3.] Comments / Examples

[4.] Communication Skills

~ Communicate effectively using the language and vocabulary appropriate to a variety of audiences within the workplace including coworkers supervisors and customers. (4.B.01.01) ~ Show respect and collegiality both formally and informally (4.C.06.03) ~ Practice active listening; Listen attentively and respectfully to others (4.B.02.01, 4.B.02.02, 4.B.02.03) ~ Practice teamwork through effective communication and collaboration (4.C.06.01, 4.C.06.03) ~ Provide effective customer service to internal and external customers, clients and coworkers. (5.B.01.05) ~ Demonstrate professional writing skills in work-related materials and communications (4.B.01.03)

[4.] Comments / Examples

[5.] Applied Mathematics Skills

~ Demonstrate fluency with numbers, measurement, business math or basic calculations. ~ Apply mathematics to workplace situations; using mathematical thinking (such as looking for patterns, drawing graphs or applying geometry concepts) to analyze work projects.

[5.] Comments / Examples

[6.] Critical Thinking and Problem Solving Skills

~ Analyze challenges and problems in the workplace, and identify multiple solutions to problems and challenges using critical reasoning and workplace/industry knowledge. Select the best solution to the problem. (4.C.04.04, 4.C.04.05) ~ Demonstrate ability (both verbally and non-verbally) to accept direction and constructive criticism and to implement solutions to change behaviors. (4.C.03.01) ~ Find and use print and electronic resources to resolve issues or problems in the workplace. (4.B.01.05)

[6.] Comments / Examples

[7.] Career Development Skills

~ Through your work experience, actively learn about career paths and opportunities within your industry (4.A.01.04, 4.A.01.05, 4.A.02.02, 4.A.03.02) ~ Develop positive mentoring relationships within your work environment (4.C.06.02) ~ Learn about the "big picture" for the business or organization you work for; understand and explain the role of the business or organization in the community and in the local economy. (5.C.01.01; 5.C.01.02) ~ Demonstrate an understanding of how technology advancements impact business practices. (5.E.01.07) ~ Identify practices that support clean energy technologies and encourage environmental sustainability within your industry. (5.E.01.06)

[7.] Comments / Examples

[8.] Career-Technical Skills

~ In your worksite, effectively use a variety of career-focused skills related to your career pathway. ~ (Use the Self-Assessment Checklist, choosing CTE Framework "Strand 2" Topics, to identify skills that you are using.)

[8.] Comments / Examples

Date, Hours and Time Period

Evaluation Date

Time Period of Evaluation

Hours Worked (if tracked via this form)

Work Experience / Co-op