About The Skills Library
The Skills Library, founded by Jennifer Leonard, is a consulting firm that provides resources and data management to schools, youth programs and nonprofit organizations. Many projects focus on the theme of skill development, reflecting the name The Skills Library and the founding goals of the business.
Projects combine technical expertise (database design, online skills portfolios, and other online tools) and programmatic expertise (curriculum, career development materials, and professional development for youth programs).
Expertise and Interests
- Youth Employment Programs - Work-Based Learning
- Career Vocational Technical Education (CVTE)
- Career Development
- Skills Portfolios
- Youth Development
- Transition for Students with Special Needs
- Adult Education - Alternative Diploma Programs
- Neighborhood and Community Development
Jennifer Leonard
Other Websites and Links
- Southwest Corridor Park: http://southwestcorridorpark.org/
- Random Basket (personal website): http://randombasket.com
About Jennifer Leonard
Jennifer Leonard is the owner of The Skills Library, providing software and resources for educational and career development programs. She has over twenty years of experience in consulting and public and nonprofit leadership.
Jennifer's interest in community development and youth development led to studying Economics, concentrating in labor markets and statistics.
Throughout her career, Jennifer has used skills in research and data management in support of career development, youth programs and community development. Projects incorporate a wide range of work, including design of online databases and software to support nonprofit and school-based programs; development of curriculum; writing about careers and youth development; and providing professional development support for teachers and program coordinators.
Jennifer lives in Boston and is actively involved in her neighborhood in Mission Hill and Jackson Square.
She is currently co-chair of the Southwest Corridor Park Alliance (http://southwestcorridorpark.org/) and an active volunteer with the park. Through this work, she coordinates gardening, art, and science programs for children and supports community gardening, park stewardship, and park advocacy. She is also a member of the Boston Park Advocates steering committee and the Northeastern University Community Advisory Board. She is also active with church and faith-based networks in the Boston area, with a particular interest in leading study groups and classes for youth and adults.She holds a Bachelors degree from Mount Holyoke College and a Masters degree from Tufts University.
Jennifer is the author of The Mosaic Economy, the Career Development Toolkit, and the First Steps Career Survey.