School to Career / Connecting Activities / Youth Employment

about Connecting Activities Database

Database for Connecting Activities (CA) and other youth employment and career development programs in Massachusetts. Includes screens for using the Massachusetts Work-Based Learning Plan and for managing and tracking work-based learning experiences and and career development activities. (database sign-in)

Youth Employment Resources

Read about the resources available from The Skills Library for youth employment programs (free and fee-based). READ ABOUT: Skills Library - Youth Employment Database.

Skills Pages Blog

Articles about workplace and career skills, youth employment program strategies and more. Resources supporting staff in Connecting Activities and other youth programs.

Skills Dictionary

Browse lists job descriptions, skills, and skill descriptions. These lists can be used in Work-Based Learning Plans or in career skills workshops, summer jobs orientation, or other workshops or skills assessments. Skills Dictionary

Career Exploration

First Steps Career Survey

The First Steps Career Survey is an online survey for high school students, asking about their career development experiences. This survey has gathered thousands of responses over more than a decade, providing a valuable opportunity for individual respondents to reflect, and gathering a thoughtful look at student career development experiences.

 Student Survey
 View all survey results
 Skills Pages Blog: Analysis of Survey Results

Books / Workbooks

Browse a selection of associated books and workbooks.

 View selection

Project Based Learning / Contextual Learning / Creativity / STEAM / Project Archives

Career Vocational/Technical Education Resources

The Skills Library CVTE Database provides checklists, reflection screens, and a variety of tools for teachers, students and administrators in CVTE programs. Interested school districts contract with The Skills Library for this database, selecting from a variety of modules and possible customizations.

The following free-to-use resources provide samples of some of the tools and resources that are available in the Skills Library CVTE Database.

 CVTE Lesson Planning Template.
 Career Values and Interests Questionnaire.
 Exploratory Guide.
 Work Experience / Co-op Screens.

Quick Links - BPS | CVTE | English HS | Madison Park HS

Boston - CVTE Program Links for Teachers (signin required)

 Safety Checklist
 Competency Checklist and Exploratory Checklist
 Student Pages

For Local Programs